Subscription pages

So I came across a friend who told me about a website that lets artists create monthly subscriptions and profit off their content. Seems like this has been out for at least a year...They actually make a living doing this. Having never heard of this website but realizing it's exactly what I've been trying to get for my website and why Credits and/or Points System needs to be enhanced for stuff like this. Anyways the websites name is called Patreon. Can we PLEASE get a roll on allowing members to send other members Credits? PLEASE incorporate either Credits or Points in Live Chats also. Anyways here's the site

There's so much that the Credits module and/or Points can be enhanced so why is it at a standstill? 

AQB Soft Alexey Anton L 

I want to buy the Pages Module if you can give me a quote on customizing it to allow members to do monthly subscriptions using Credits or Points to gain access to the page content. Members would advertise their page at set monthly subscription price and other members can then pay those members using Credits or Points to get access to the Pages content. Also would like a way for members to give other members Credits or Points during a Jitsi Live Session they can give the host credits or Points as gifts or donations. 

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Replies (4)
    • Because they refuse to let Modzzz sell his credit and points module because "it has the same function."  Perhaps an independent market outside of Boonex is the answer.  It is like Apple controlling what you can put on your phone.  People got tired of it and so now you can inject apps onto your phone.

      • Just to clarify, I have not been specifically blocked by UNA team from selling Credits and Points modules but there is a general principle that new modules must bring new functionality to the market. If I develop those modules they would have to offer additional functionality that doesn't exist in the UNA versions. 

        • Just like Jerome Mingo said, we don't have a problem with people developing modules offering similar functionality or serving the same purpose. It is important, however, to ensure that there is a degree of unique added value besides what's already available in UNA Inc Apps. I understand that it will be often difficult to identify that "degree" of difference, but we have to make a call somehow and ensure that we don't have a whole lot of clones in the Market. While Jerome Mingo is a known reliable vendor, there is a risk that allowing basic copies would open the floodgates for vendors with lesser integrity. Hence, we have to ask Jerome to resubmit the modules when there is more unique functionality available. 

          On the other hand, I also have to admit that we will have situations when we will have to include features into our apps that overlap with the functionality of some 3rd party modules. This is never an intentional "idea grab" though. Pretty much all the new functionality we add now is driven by custom development orders from our clients that choose to allow their new modules/features to be added to the package and save on future updates. 

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