Join group/space button disappear

I don't see the join on groups or space button anymore.  not in group main page and the group itself. what may cause this? 

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Replies (4)
    • Well, the first thing which may call this situation are the changes in the "Visibility" option. But "Join" button settings can be changed only in the "Developer" app. So you ma visit Studio->Develpoer->Navigation->Groups->Group Actions and check this parameter for "Join" button.

      • I checked Studio->Developer->Navigation->Groups->Group Actions and join button is "ON"

        what do yo mean changes in the visibility?

        • i don't know what happened but it returned back :/

          • Our congratulations with the return of the buttons :-) Do you remember what changes were made before this process? Regarding your "Visibility" question - I meant to change the values in the column "Visible For" - by default there set "Anyone". If you click on this link you will get the popup dialog where you may choose permissions levels which will have the access to this field.

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