Moderators show as Administrators in Membership

Not sure what is going on here, but I have set 2 people as Moderators at my site and when I look at their membership blocks, it says Administrator? Any ideas?

Also, where can someone view their 'permissions' (i.e. Moderators). When I click on the Membership Icon,  nothing happens.

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Replies (17)
    • Update: So I had one of the members check their own profile. They are seeing their membership as Moderator. But for me, I see as Administrator for some reason. 

      • Well maybe there is any reason for this I dont really know, what i am sure of is that those Moderators appearing as Administrator wont have access to the Studio. They are kinda Sub Admininstrator as it seems. 

        My question is whether a Moderator is automatically a Sub Admin or there is a difference between them?

        • There are many possibilities.
          1. Member X is standard level. Via "account", if you make "Make Operator" for member X, you simply give member X access to studio without more.
          Then, if you give X member "Admin" level, then he is a second admin with the same rights as you. So there are two equal administrators.
          2. Member X is standard, you change only his level for "Administrator", member X to then the same right as you, but can not access "studio".
          3. Member X is standard. You only change his level to "Moderator", then does not have access to Studio, and you can set the permissions for "Moderator" via "permissions" for that level.
          All sorts of combinations are possible, that I find very well done.

          • Well the good thing is, it only shows like that when I am viewing their profile. When the member that I have set to Moderator views their membership, it does say Moderator for them.. I don't why it's showing like that when I view it. 

            • Do you mean he's different at home?



              • Sorry for blacking out the content but.. If I go to a Moderators profile page, the membership shows as Administrator. If they go to their own page, they see Moderator. See attached.

                • So let's make this a little crazier. I logged as a test user (standard) on FF. When I look at the membership level on everyone's page it says 'Standard' even when I view the Admin account. I really don't know what's going on. I tried clearing cache and stuff. no changes. 

                  • Strange in fact, I tested with several browsers, everything is correct about it. Silly question, you do not use a translation, do you have this problem in English?

                    • Thanks Baloo, I didnt even realise we could have more than one Super Admin. Good one

                      • It's normal, I think we've never finished discovering possibilities in Una :-)

                        • Here's a bug @Alext if you put the profile stats block on the on the view profile page,  you see your own stats on everyone page instead of their stats.  

                          • Hey Alex T⚜️  Is it possible that we can put the Profile Stats on the View Profile page where is shows THAT user's stats instead of yours on everyone's? I am looking for a way to display a 'compact' view of everyone's stats in the site. The profile info block is the perfect thing.. Can you tell me how to make this happen? 

                            • "Profile Stats" is the block which is supposed to displayed for owner only, it can't be displayed for public. So it doesn't make sense to put this block to profile page for public.

                              • It was possible in dolphin but via an AQB module, it is likely that it will do something similar for Una.

                                • In UNA the links in this block are pointing to private user pages, so it can't be public.

                                  • Hey Alex, it's there any way to do a custom profile stats block that is available to the public.  I think it would be a great way for other members to see user followers,  posts,  friends,  etc. All in one consolidated block versus having to go to multiple place. 

                                    • We can't show accurate numbers for some type of content since some content maybe be private.

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