Person Vote - No Owner Notification

Thank you for adding this, but as I can see, when someone votes for my profile, I do not receive notification.
However, I receive a notification if a friend votes for a profile.

Also in the menu person => view actions I see both voting options.
Only the simple vote seems to work, I do not know if the second option is there by mistake? or should we have a choice?


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Replies (16)
    • Hello Baloo

      1. Voting notifications. We'll check it and create an issue if it's needed.

      2. Voting options in menus. If you check the same 'View Entry' menus in the other modules you'll find Vote (for) and Vote (for\against) voting options there too. Vote (for) relates to default Like based voting system. Vote (for\agains) relates to Score voting system which was developed not long ago. Both menu items are enabled by default but you may see Like based one only. It appears because the second voting system is disabled by default. It can be enabled via UNA database only.

      Best Regrds

        • Hello Anton, thank you for this clear answer.

          • Hello Baloo, you are welcome! :)

            • Hello Anton L , I applied this hotfix, now owner has a website notification, but it seems no notification email.

              • Hello Baloo

                I cannot imaging how it can happen. Notifications app has single algorithm to select necessary list of notifications for a logged in member. After the list was got the app sent the notifications on site, via email, via push if they are enabled.

                1. Did you check settings for Email notifications (in Studio, in Profile)?
                2. Did you disable/enable Notifications app to recompile alerts and settings?

                Best Regards

                • Hello Anton, 

                  1. Yes, nothing is unchecked
                  2. I just did it again to be sure

                  I have this notification on the site


                  I also checked via my smtp server the mail does not leave, so I can not even supsect that it is lost somewhere, besides, all the other notifications of the same type work properly.


                  I understand why you can not imagine, but it happens ...
                  I guess for the same reason I should not suspect that I have misapplied the patch as it works in the site notification, I understand?

                  • Anton L , I'm sorry, but the problem is more general than that. In fact, the owner is never notified by email, I just tested on your demo site, it's the same thing.

                    I created two accounts, posted a link and a photo for both accounts, and voted for both items.
                    Results, zero email for Baloo and zero email for Navy.




                    It looks like it's behaving as if it's unchecked.


                    • Hello Baloo

                      I recheked the issue and found out the reason. The problem isn't in the selection of notifications list, but in the "sending process" itself.
                      If recipient's profile is public the problem disappears.
                      I've reopened the ticket. Thank you!!!

                      Best Regards

                      • The issue was fixed.

                        • Thanks Anton, but what is the ticket?

                          • Ah it's the same, understood thanks.

                            • Hello Anton, I tested the fix, without result, so I went on, I created Baloo and Navy. 

                              Baloo added a photo.

                              Navy votes for the picture and profile of Baloo, 


                              zero mails received yet the activation email is instantaneous.


                              • Hello Baloo

                                Looks like you've helped us to find one more deeply hidden bug again!
                                Thank you VERY MUCH!

                                P.S. The fix was commited in GIT and can be found here

                                Best Regards

                                • Hello Anton,

                                  1. The two links on the notification are identical.


                                  2. So on the test site it works against me at home, still nothing for the owner of the profile. So, I was wondering if "author" = 0 would not be responsible?

                                  3. One question: Master version is identical to the test site?

                                  • Hello Baloo

                                    1. Currently the notification has only one link which is used for the whole card. It's a link to the action to which the notification intend. Profile names included in the Notification are simply separated out with bold font. 

                                    2. Author = 0 from `bx_persons_data` table shouldn't affect the functionality. Did you apply all related fixes from repository? Did you disable/enable Notifications app before testing? If so, I can try to investigate the issue directly on your site.

                                    3. What do you mean with Master verstion and Test site? If Master version is auto installed UNA script from and Test site is UNA script from then NO. UNA on is reinstalled automatically after each commit in GIT repository. So, it has the latest DEV version of the script. UNA on Demozzz is manually reinstalled from time to time for test purposes. Some fixes can be moved in it manually between reinstallations. 

                                    Best Regards

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