Protean Template Timeline adjustment

Timeline entry order for Files modules

All I need to do is reverse the order of the Description and the Title. I want the large Title (link) to appear first. Before the description. Then it will match all the other modules which I use - in the Timeline. Uniformity is very important to me.

Having the large type at the bottom of the Files Timeline entry does not look natural to me. If it does to you, I can respect your opinion. Haha.

In the Protean template what file or files do I need to adjust for the Timeline?  What is the name and location of these files. All I need to do is reverse the order. Nothing added or removed.

Thank you!

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Replies (1)
    • I think you can create the following file:


      For an example refer to:


      But it's better to create your own template since your changes maybe be overwritten 

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