Is this normal?

When I go to one of my new products it says that I was active 4 days ago, I'm online, Is it normal that it says I was active 4 days ago?

I did log in to this website with the option "Remember me" enabled. Maybe that's why?

Senior Developer-


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Replies (3)
    • That's your vendor status dude it will update as you add new apps/update existing ones you have on the market. also it helps people see how active a vendor is before people make a decision to buy from that vendor. its nothing to worry about as you work on new stuff you will make a name for your self here. people need apps as its a wasteland compared to boonex marketplace but over time una will be as big as dolphin if not bigger.

      Peace out dude


      • Comment by unknown is hidden.
        • Thanks dude i will keep that in mind i have not bought any apps just yet as i am taking my time with my network and i plan to buy a lot i like your apps i see a lot of potential with them and i will look forward to working with you i may commission you for work some time when i launch as i like your style of apps/app making skills

          Peace out Dude


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