Apple sign in problem in app

Tried publishing my app in App store, but they didn't allow me to because I have Google and FB sign in options. They want me to set up Apple Sign In button first. Can somebody tell me whether it's possible? If it is, then how hard is it? I might just disable FB and Google login altogether for the sake of having an iOS app. 

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Replies (3)
    • Myself as well...

      Because I have PayPal in the site to accept donations. 

      • Hi,

        Randomly saw this - the fix is quite simple actually. Apple sign-in uses standard oAuth2 flow and you can just reuse/clone the Google login module with some edits. Register with Apple (pay a fee). Get the secret generated and put that in. That's it.

        I did spend a day or two figuring this out - but the implementation was fairly easy and fast. 👌 

        • Thanks for a lot for this!!

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