Multilanguage content of UNA items...

Hi Friends. 

Una has a nice solution for the multilingual of UNA - the basic software. 

But where and how is solved the multilingual content of individual items?

I mean items such as:
- item names,
- item descriptions,
- item comments,
- ... etc

For me are items such as:
- Albums,
- Videos,
- Photos,
- Ggroups,
- Events,
- Spaces,
- ... ... etc

After all, if a website is to be multilingual,
it is not enough for the basic software to be multilingual,
but also the content created must enable the creation of multilingual content.

Maybe integration with a compiler platform like google translator would help ....
Similarly they have solved it on ...
there is the possibility there people can add content in each own languag and for others is there possibility to automatic translation by clicking on a link or button below each text that is in a different language than the selected language .

Please people from UNA group and supporters, look for some possibility to solve this ....

Thank you in advance...


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Replies (3)
    • Hi All,

      Why is there no answer ...

      Nobody needs real multi-language support ??

      Real multi-language means multi-language content .... also ...

      Something like Jerome Mingo's News and Article modules ...


      • Hello @JPa !

        The usual solution for this part is the using of auto-translated services. But most of the will allow too low limits for the free use. Usually, the startup site will not buy such things to spend it on the test accounts with the test content. So it has the sense to be used as the separate mod only, not in the basic package.

        • Hi friends If Jerome mingo was able to create multilingual Articles and News modules, why all other modules are not multilingual ... may be some base UNA content ???

          This is very very important feature ..

          I thin nobody is creating website only for one language.

          @LeonidS using Autotranslate is very bad idea...

          Specialy languages of Czech, Slovak, Slovenia, ... we say Slavic languages are translated not very good... Translation from or to ...

          Some times translated content is obscure...

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