How to build a country-specific website with UNA?


Please, can someone tell me what is the best approach to create a country-specific website (localized site) using UNA, with country-specific members, searches, contents, services, products etc, everything targeting a particular country or region?

Is there any geo-detection technique or feature packed with UNA to restrict creation of new accounts (registration / sign up) to a particular country or region?

Anyone else around the world can use the site, read/view its content etc, but only people from a particualr country or region can create an account.

Was UNA really built with this aspect in mind, to also serve as a local community or country-specific website?


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Replies (1)
    • Hello OneEagle !

      The simplest solution would be to open the page/create-account and page/create-persons-profile pages via .htaccess rules for certain territories like:

      Order deny,allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from [example of IPs or IP range]

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