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I added the Recommended people block but it doesn't appear on my page, I have 4 users on the system but it doesn't even appear on the empty block, how to make it work?

  • 803
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I would like to create a custom block that loads the "Recommended Groups" block for example, in order to change the html and create a slider, would it be possible to do this?

  • 845
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Hello guys, does anyone know how to explain me step by step how to configure my RocketChat? The documentation I saw was not very clear, I have to install it on my server where is and put which URL in the configuration?

  • 827
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hello guys, I created a personalized menu where I would like to click on one of the buttons to display a New Post frame, I tried to get the method specified in the "New Post" block but it doesn't work, can you give me a way to make it work?

  • 847
Renato Discussions
How to enable recommended people block
Custom Block
Configuração do RocketChat
Configuring OnClick on the Menu button