Bad seo una has a big problem with SEO.  We should optimize the url, currently if you write a blog, an article or you are an organization etc. you have no visibility outside the platform.  This is not a good thing for users.  If you write an article this is impossible to find through search engines.  Is there a solution or is an implementation planned?

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Replies (30)
    • If the posts are public they will be indexable and fully SEO-friendly. It used to be important to submit sitemaps to “help” google work out the structure but in recent years it does it daily well without help. 

      Here’s an example of a search showing post from a few days ago -

      You may see that google picked up the post, picked up the video, and dedicated 3 first serps for pages. It looks as good as it gets from crawling perspective. The rest would be relying on outbound links, speed and content relevance. 

      • Also notice how Google figured out correct schema for posts and offered related posts within the result card. That is usually a testament of proper structure of inbound links. 

          • This happens to you .. What I mean is that the SEO of the platform can be improved a lot.  You and I get totally different results see the screen, I think it is due to the countries of use, but this does not happen for WordPress example. 


            An example of a more seo friendly link


              • We discussed this at length before and settled w this idea - 

                We do need friendlier URLs, but not “vanity” URLs - they are an insignificant SEO factor for modern search engines, but they create a lot of UX hurdles - how do you deal with typos in edited titles, changing URLs or not? How do we deal with non Latin symbols that are nor supported in Http Protocol spec? URLs are not meant to carry content and therefore must be used as relevancy signal. They used to be, though and some seo “experts” still peddle that idea. Consider the fact that naturally such seo-friendly URLs would only be used in attempt to game the rankings - if anything they may show that the content is being artific presented as more relevant.   

                • And you did well. It is a pleasure to be able to correct the mistakes in the titles, or simply modify them because they are sometimes badly adapted to the written article. My first site under Dolphin took 8 years to be at the top of the ranking, it took only 8 months to the second under UNA to catch the first and come to position just behind and this on the keywords that are important to me , even if I search in a private window. Both sites have the same theme, on which there is a lot of competition, so SEO works really well, I am very satisfied about it. Very sincerely.

                  • Thank you! What I believe does matter in terms of SEO is the speed and mobile-viewport optimisation. We recently received a notice from Google Console saying that they've switched mobile-only crawling for UNA.IO, citing that the site is responsive and is most likely to be used via mobiles, hence it makes sense to assess it using mobile crawler. Gotta be mindful of which blocks we turn off for mobile viewports (though it's still unclear if mobile crawler identifies itself as browser with mobile-size viewport), be vigilant about tap targets, do better with image optimisation (google is sensitive to suboptimal use of mobile data), etc.

                    It looks like Google AMP initiative didn't get enough traction, thankfully. I believe it was a bad thing for publishers and site-operators anyhow, but we'll be watching it to make sure nobody is missing out on rankings boost.

                    • As any question asked: How do we deal with ... think like that:
                      Why to reinvent the wheel in 2019? No need for it. Just look how the leading plattform has done it.
                      You do not have to create the whole world new.
                      1) Wordpress automatically changes symbols not latin into something else. With a plugin, the german ä will change into "ae" - that´s it.
                      2) If the title changes - then wordpress leaves the permalink as it is - until you change it be your own.
                      It is possible to change the Link evertime the title changes or write a permanent remove for each link is changed.
                      3) SEO is absolutly what should be in focus when it comes to articles. As for my own i decided to use Wordpress inside/embedded into UNA - because the lack of SEO functionallity. It´s a bitter pill to do so.
                      Also you can take a look on how this problem is solved in phpBB boards. They already have the answer you are searching for. 
                      I have seen a lot of good things disappaer in www because the boxed thinking that is sticked to the own development. But there is no need to, - you can looks how others has done that and learn from it.
                      Please don´t feel offended by my article - i only wnat to show a way to do that.
                      Best wishes and Greetings!

                      • I accept your answer but I agree with Martin, currently writing an article in is not very productive.  If hypothesis is written an article of crime news it will be difficult to find this given the amount of results, unless the exact phrase is sought, however it is more likely that an article on an unknown site written on WordPress is more easily found.

                        • Andrew Boon 


                          Alex T⚜️ 


                          my customization about SEO may give an idea for future UNA developments:


                          here we have the doctors name, specialty, location of work place
                          all characters are automatically translated to standard URL characters, capital letters to normal, blanks and others to -.
                          modrewrite takes this url and converts to standard UNA URL like:
                          if there are changes in name etc this doesn't effect the last part -054a2074- organization id=54 author id=2074, so links are never broken.

                          and schema code is auto inserted to page of course

                          For posts (blogs)

                          this has the doctor's name, specialty, work location, blogs title on the URL.

                          like .../doktor/title-name-specialty-location-orgid-authid/article/title-blogid
                          the good things are:
                          o54a2074 is the organization and author id and bl150 is the post id
                          mod rewrite constructs the url only relying on these ids
                          if the user changes any thing in the title, yes title will change but the ids are same so there will be no problem on the links.
                          and the auto created schema code for the article is:
                          <script type="application/ld+json">
                          {"@context": "",
                          "@type": "MedicalWebPage",
                          "dateCreated": "2019-05-22 14:36",
                          "datePublished": "2019-05-22 14:36",
                          "dateModified": "2019-06-20T17:16:27+0000",
                          "keywords": "hashimoto,hipotiroidi,haşimototiroidi,haşimoto,tiroid,haşimato",
                          "about": {
                          "@type": "MedicalCondition",
                          "description": "Hashimoto hastalığı ya da halk arasındaki ismiyle tiroid bezi iltihabı bağışıklık sisteminin tiroid bezine karşı oto-antikor üreterek tiroid bezine saldırmasıyla oluşan bir hastalıktır. Hashimoto yaygın olarak görülen bir tiroid hastalığıdır.Hastalığın erken dönemlerinde genellikle bir şikayet olmaz ve check-up tetkikleri veya rutin sağlık taramalarında tesadüfen tespit edilir.Tiroid hormonları gebelik oluşumu, devamı ve fetal gelişim için gereklidir.Gebelik planlayan kadınların mutlaka tiroid hormonlarına baktırması gerekir."
                          "aspect": [
                          "Audience": "",
                          "specialty": "","author":{"@type": "Physician",
                          "name": ["Uzm. Dr. Funda Orakdöğen"],
                          "medicalSpecialty": "Endocrine",
                          "url": "",
                          "image": [""],
                          "email": "",
                          "telephone": "+902165771600",
                          "address": {
                          "@type": "PostalAddress",
                          "streetAddress": "ATAŞEHİR FLORENCE NİGHTİNGALE ",
                          "addressLocality": "KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY",
                          "addressRegion": "İstanbul",
                          "addressCountry": "Türkiye"
                          "geo": {
                          "@type": "GeoCoordinates",
                          "latitude": "40.984855",
                          "longitude": "29.1067953"
                          "hasMap": "h",
                          "paymentAccepted": [ "cash", "credit card" ],
                          "openingHours": "Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00",
                          "sameAs" : [""]}

                          • Cem, i can only say, that you are brilliant!! That´s much better then I thought. It should be possible to set this as a UNA standard and this will skyrocket articles in google. Thank you so much!  

                            • ps: can you maybe, please, add the files modified or the way you do as a instruction? thx

                              • Very nice, Cem! Thank you for detailing your solution. We would probably append a hash value of the IDs instead of actual IDs (some people ask for a way to obfuscate real data counts that can be guessed from IDs), and use your solution for the schema and URLs. Great stuff!

                                Do you have any data on how it affects your server load? mod rewrite in htaccess can be taxing at high load if it has to rewrite all the urls... my understanding is that  htaccess file is interpreted at every request. Or, are your using httpd.conf, or Nginx?

                                Alex T⚜️ please review to add this to the URL rewrite ticket.

                                • Martin-sso

                                  Martin, I didn't add/modify anything besides page.php.
                                  I am not a professional programmer, but a medical doctor.
                                  I was afraid of the problems that the updates will bring if I modify the UNA system, so I decided to write a completely independent layer over UNA.
                                  This layer lies between UNA and browser, meaning after UNA finishes it's all processing while it sends the page to the browser, my program captures it, modifies as needed and sends to browser.
                                  This method also gave me to insert anything to the page by putting some placeholders and replacing them at the end with the desired code.

                                  As a result it is working without any problem.
                                  I believe professionals at UNA will create a way better solution. But if anybody wants to examine or develop further that code (a few hundred lines) I may publish here.

                                  • Andrew Boon 

                                    Andrew I used nginx and its' rewriting system.
                                    The additional server load is a fraction of a second and not that worrying.
                                    And for sure code may be further optimized. I did it in between patient visits and after work :)

                                    • After making this modification, on searches with city name and specific disease like -hashimoto therapy istanbul-   every article we have is in the first page. Beating web sites that are online for 10 years etc. .

                                        • Cem , you are amazing. I really would like to have your code to use it on my new site.
                                          As you said, - it is very important for SEO to be not only listed on google, but to be listed with the right keywords. So if you as a doctor can do that in a break between - i hope that it will be implemented into UNA just with the next update. Everybody needs this.
                                          Best Greetings to you!

                                          • Honestly, this is the main reason why we've decided against buying UNA. It is marketed as a social network script, yet doesn't have basic functionalities of social networking, such as domaindotcom/name or domaindotcom/pagename.

                                            • UNA is a framework - in many cases vanity URLs are not suitable for a site, considering how they can be a privacy issue, may cause broken links in case of editing, can’t rely of specific field because UNA fields are all editable, etc. In a specific configuration it is perfectly possible to rewrite your URLs as you see fit and in line with profile or page fields you have configured. 

                                              • Google guidelines at com/webmasters/answer/7451184?hl=en says:

                                                Simple URLs convey content information

                                                Use words in URLs

                                                URLs with words that are relevant to your site's content and structure are friendlier for visitors navigating your site.


                                                Using lengthy URLs with unnecessary parameters and session IDs.

                                                Choosing generic page names like "page1.html".

                                                Using excessive keywords like "baseball-cards-baseball-cards-baseballcards.htm".

                                                Try this query google. com/search?q=toronto+datings and see the results: all SEO friendly urls like this badoo. com/en/dating/canada/ontario/toronto/

                                                • 💪

                                                  • 💪

                                                    • Cem that's awesome and very helpful. Human readable URL's makes sharing a URL link  much easier on a business card. Our users have a need  to be found and to be easily identifiable. 

                                                      Our site is getting a fair amount of Talk-Radio exposure at present and it would be way more user friendly to share with people as opposed to reading this out:


                                                      Additionally that would also help mask the actual number of users on the site as a whole

                                                      • I noticed our pages were indexed after just a day or two. I figured the SEO was OK. 

                                                        Still, we must realize that much of SEO is based on many things - site popularity, inbound links, keywords, and what they consider to be "relevant content". Relevant content which corresponds to the page Title and the page URL. Google is not going to automatically put our pages near the top of their list without some or all of these elements. And, they could care less what the platform was which created the page. IMHO.

                                                        Cem, I would forget about medicine if I were you. Your real talent is programming!

                                                          • I made a Solution for this with 2 modules:

                                                            Pretty Links and Usernames.

                                                            I'm open to feedback to improve my modules in case you see that is something missing.


                                                            • Yandex seems to like UNA. 58,000 pages in search!

                                                              • Until the site is filled with user profiles and a lot of other pages, a sitemap is really not needed.  But when there are a lot of registered users, Google bots do not have time to index important pages.  Now I noticed that on one of my old sites of 2019, there are pages with discussions, publications, albums that have not been indexed since 2020.

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