Some serious errors on UNA 11

I have found some serious bugs after upgrading to UNA 11, some are taking care by UNA staff yet i want to share the info

  1. Mass emails are being sent right now to all my users, i have Anton L AQB Soft auto friend module and each user auto friend admin. every action from the 1st time of our friendship is being sent to the user so many many emails (admin doing this and admin doing that etc) its been 3 days that it goes like this! and i don't know how to stop it!
  2. The messenger have broke without me touching nothing, Alexey said he will fix it 2 days ago....
  3. Wherever there is a comment box with a comment in it the page has gone (500). timeline, profile, post etc.
  4. Browsing lists like "manage glossary" list. the list  pagination has broken so i just see the spinning icon without going to next page. I believe in other modules is the same

I cleared all cache, all modules updated! Andrew Boon Alex T⚜️ to your attention 

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